> Think Parrots event will take place again this year on Sunday 8th June. For advance details go to Think Parrots
> Please note that as of today (27th January 2025) there is a blanket advice to enhance all biosecurity around captive birds extending across England and Wales in order to control the spread of Avian Influenza (Bird Flu). Some areas in the north and east of England are also affected by further restrictions. For current details go to Government website
> IMPORTANT - unfortunately, a number of members have been receiving bogus emails purporting to come from the Parrot Society, and requesting financial donations to 'save the Society from financial ruin'. This follows earlier messages offering 'Life membership' at a cheap rate. These messages are bogus and should be ignored! They appear to emanate from Brazil, and this information has been passed on to the official Scam Unit. Be careful, and please let us know if you receive similar communications.
> At our first Council meeting of the year on 26th January, we welcomed Chris Smith as a co-opted trustee. Chris has a long history of bird-keeping, including canaries, finches, parakeets and budgerigars, and has served in office in most of these fancies, as well as chairing the National council for Aviculture. His invaluable experience will be a great asset to the Society.
> You may not be aware, as it has not been well publicised, that as of 1st October 2024, it is now a legal requirement to register your birds if they have access to the open air. This would include most outdoor aviaries. The Parrot Society had protested against this plan from its inception, but sadly to no avail. For more details go to Registration of Parrots
> If you are visiting this website you will have seen its new design. Unfortunately, we still have some issues with links to other sections, which we hope will be rectified asap.
Donate to our Conservation Projects via our shop.